When the number of parents increases, handling large numbers of crosses becomes challenging. In such cases, we use partial diallel crosses, where a sample of crosses is selected so that each parent is involved in an equal number of crosses (s). The number of times a parent is involved (s) and the number of parents (v) must not both be odd or both even. A constant 'k' is defined as k = (v + 1 ā s)/2, where āvā is the number of parental lines. This software provides construction and analysis of Partial Diallel Crosses based on Circulant Sample (Kempthorne and Curnow, 1961).
For 'v' parents and a sample size 's', instead of v(v-1)/2 crosses, only vs/2 crosses are sampled. For example, if v = 8, s = 3, and k = (8+1-3)/2 = 3, we sample the following crosses when parents are excluded:
1 x 4, 1 x 5, 1 x 6, 2 x 5, 2 x 6, 2 x 7, 3 x 6, 3 x 7, 3 x 8, 4 x 7, 4 x 8, 5 x 8
Arrange the data in the data file or web page text area so that the replications for the first cross (1 x 4) are entered on the first line, delimited by space or tab. Enter data for the next cross (1 x 5) in the same way, and continue for all sampled crosses.
Arrangement of Data for Partial Diallel Crosses based on Circulant sample having 8 Parents, 4 Replications and sample size is 3 (i.e. each parent is included in three crosses in circulant manner and Parents are not included. Crosses R1 R2 R3 R4 1 X 4 128.1 123.84 92.56 115.28 1 X 5 128.36 119.84 103.24 129.72 1 X 6 74.4 70.86 60.94 68 2 X 5 91.52 113.96 87.26 106.98 2 X 6 59.06 65.62 81.62 86.76 2 X 7 84.16 109.74 102.14 94.52 3 X 6 109.86 98.16 93.26 102.26 3 X 7 117.2 100.28 116.16 112.52 3 X 8 109.68 116.48 123.92 120.86 4 X 7 53.4 60.86 74.46 69.08 4 X 8 53.86 48.3 40.64 44.62 5 X 8 86.62 94.18 90.32 108.16
You to Enter only data in the text are as shown below
128.1 123.84 92.56 115.28 128.36 119.84 103.24 129.72 74.4 70.86 60.94 68 91.52 113.96 87.26 106.98 59.06 65.62 81.62 86.76 84.16 109.74 102.14 94.52 109.86 98.16 93.26 102.26 117.2 100.28 116.16 112.52 109.68 116.48 123.92 120.86 53.4 60.86 74.46 69.08 53.86 48.3 40.64 44.62 86.62 94.18 90.32 108.16
If parents are included, add their data after the crosses:
1 x 4, 1 x 5, 1 x 6, 2 x 5, 2 x 6, 2 x 7, 3 x 6, 3 x 7, 3 x 8, 4 x 7, 4 x 8, 5 x 8, 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6, 7 x 7, 8 x 8
Arrangement of Data for Partial Diallel Crosses based on Circulant sample having 8 Parents, 4 Replications and sample size is 3 (i.e. each parent is included in three crosses in circulant manner and Parents are included. Crosses R1 R2 R3 1 X 4 72 68 72 1 X 5 64 64 64 1 X 6 62 61 61 2 X 5 72 72 71 2 X 6 66 66 66 2 X 7 65 64 64 3 X 6 74 74 74 3 X 7 70 63 61 3 X 8 71 70 69 4 X 7 68 69 68 4 X 8 68 69 68 5 X 8 60 59 58 1 X 1 61 61 61 2 X 2 68 67 68 3 X 3 61 61 63 4 X 4 61 61 62 5 x 5 61 60 61 6 x 6 69 73 70 7 x 7 67 71 71 8 x 8 58 60 69
You to Enter only data in the text are as shown below
72 68 72 64 64 64 62 61 61 72 72 71 66 66 66 65 64 64 74 74 74 70 63 61 71 70 69 68 69 68 68 69 68 60 59 58 61 61 61 68 67 68 61 61 63 61 61 62 61 60 61 69 73 70 67 71 71 58 60 69
To analyze data using Partial Diallel Crosses (Circulant Sample), follow these steps: